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President Bio is in untenable position in the Cocaine scandals

Africa Confidential, February 2025

President Bio keeps cocaine lord in the family
One of Europe’s most wanted criminals is the partner of one of the President’s daughters and has transferred his operations to Freetown. An Africa Confidential Special Report By Josef Skrdlik and Andrew Weir

Sierra Leone has been in a state of shock ever since one of Freetown’s most astonishing urban myths was confirmed as fact – that one of Europe’s most dangerous criminals, convicted Dutch cocaine kingpin Jos Leijdekkers, or ‘Bolle Jos’ (‘Fat Jos’ in Dutch), is at large in Sierra Leone and believed to be running his business there.


President Bio is in untenable position in the Cocaine scandals

Africa Confidential, February 2025

President Bio keeps cocaine lord in the family
One of Europe’s most wanted criminals is the partner of one of the President’s daughters and has transferred his operations to Freetown. An Africa Confidential Special Report By Josef Skrdlik and Andrew Weir

Sierra Leone has been in a state of shock ever since one of Freetown’s most astonishing urban myths was confirmed as fact – that one of Europe’s most dangerous criminals, convicted Dutch cocaine kingpin Jos Leijdekkers, or ‘Bolle Jos’ (‘Fat Jos’ in Dutch), is at large in Sierra Leone and believed to be running his business there.

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President Bio is in untenable position in the Cocaine scandals

Africa Confidential, February 2025

President Bio keeps cocaine lord in the family
One of Europe’s most wanted criminals is the partner of one of the President’s daughters and has transferred his operations to Freetown. An Africa Confidential Special Report By Josef Skrdlik and Andrew Weir

Sierra Leone has been in a state of shock ever since one of Freetown’s most astonishing urban myths was confirmed as fact – that one of Europe’s most dangerous criminals, convicted Dutch cocaine kingpin Jos Leijdekkers, or ‘Bolle Jos’ (‘Fat Jos’ in Dutch), is at large in Sierra Leone and believed to be running his business there.

Dutch government finally requested an extradition of Jos Leijdekker

A spokesperson for the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) said Leijdekkers has been living in Sierra Leone for about six months.

They said he is known by the nickname Bolle Jos and that until recently he was suspected to be living in Turkey.

Why Hon. Mohamed Bangura is leaving the APC party

Hon. Mohamed Bangura is a current APC member of parliament. In recent times, he has involved in internal fight with his party the All Peoples’ Congress (APC) over the 2023 parliamentary and presidential elections.

The APC party alleged that the presidential election was rigged. The party urged his members of parliament to boycott going to parliament. Hon. Mohamed Bangura told the party executives that the decision to boycott parliament is a dumb idea and he would not abide by such decision.

Recent Posts

  • President Bio is in untenable position in the Cocaine scandals

    Africa Confidential, February 2025

    President Bio keeps cocaine lord in the family
    One of Europe’s most wanted criminals is the partner of one of the President’s daughters and has transferred his operations to Freetown. An Africa Confidential Special Report By Josef Skrdlik and Andrew Weir

    Sierra Leone has been in a state of shock ever since one of Freetown’s most astonishing urban myths was confirmed as fact – that one of Europe’s most dangerous criminals, convicted Dutch cocaine kingpin Jos Leijdekkers, or ‘Bolle Jos’ (‘Fat Jos’ in Dutch), is at large in Sierra Leone and believed to be running his business there.

  • Dutch government finally requested an extradition of Jos Leijdekker

    A spokesperson for the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) said Leijdekkers has been living in Sierra Leone for about six months.

    They said he is known by the nickname Bolle Jos and that until recently he was suspected to be living in Turkey.

  • Why Hon. Mohamed Bangura is leaving the APC party

    Hon. Mohamed Bangura is a current APC member of parliament. In recent times, he has involved in internal fight with his party the All Peoples’ Congress (APC) over the 2023 parliamentary and presidential elections.

    The APC party alleged that the presidential election was rigged. The party urged his members of parliament to boycott going to parliament. Hon. Mohamed Bangura told the party executives that the decision to boycott parliament is a dumb idea and he would not abide by such decision.

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Recent Posts

  • President Bio is in untenable position in the Cocaine scandals

    Africa Confidential, February 2025

    President Bio keeps cocaine lord in the family
    One of Europe’s most wanted criminals is the partner of one of the President’s daughters and has transferred his operations to Freetown. An Africa Confidential Special Report By Josef Skrdlik and Andrew Weir

    Sierra Leone has been in a state of shock ever since one of Freetown’s most astonishing urban myths was confirmed as fact – that one of Europe’s most dangerous criminals, convicted Dutch cocaine kingpin Jos Leijdekkers, or ‘Bolle Jos’ (‘Fat Jos’ in Dutch), is at large in Sierra Leone and believed to be running his business there.

  • Dutch government finally requested an extradition of Jos Leijdekker

    A spokesperson for the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) said Leijdekkers has been living in Sierra Leone for about six months.

    They said he is known by the nickname Bolle Jos and that until recently he was suspected to be living in Turkey.

  • Why Hon. Mohamed Bangura is leaving the APC party

    Hon. Mohamed Bangura is a current APC member of parliament. In recent times, he has involved in internal fight with his party the All Peoples’ Congress (APC) over the 2023 parliamentary and presidential elections.

    The APC party alleged that the presidential election was rigged. The party urged his members of parliament to boycott going to parliament. Hon. Mohamed Bangura told the party executives that the decision to boycott parliament is a dumb idea and he would not abide by such decision.


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