Sierra Leone election review committee announced by President Bio

President Bio’s announcement of an election review committee for Sierra Leone shows a commitment to ensuring transparency and fairness in the electoral process. This committee is likely tasked with evaluating the recent elections, examining any irregularities, and proposing reforms to enhance future elections’ credibility. Such initiatives aim to strengthen democratic institutions and reinforce public trust in the electoral system. It’s a positive step toward upholding democracy and promoting a more robust electoral framework in Sierra Leone.

The committee is comprises of seven members from the opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) and seven members from the ruling SLPP led government. The committee also  selected members from the civil society organization and from the mediators.

The selection of members from the civil society created a row between some supporters of the opposition APC party who see it as a violation of the agreement from the dialog.

However, supporters of this selection argue that it created a balance between the opposing political parties and the stakeholders who are part of any political reforms.

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